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You're viewing Castlevania : The Dracula X Chronicles Cheat Codes

Game Name : Castlevania : The Dracula X Chronicles
System : PSP
Date Added : 2007-10-15 08:09:00
Views : 24004

Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood: Unlock Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
When the minotaur chases Richter in Stage 2, immediately fall into the first hole to enter the sewers. Complete the level as usual by defeating the Boss. You will then start Stage 3', the alternate version of Stage 3. Every time your path splits in Stage 3', always select the upper route. Collect the Axe subweapon when it becomes available. Use it to cut the vine-covered cage near the skeletal snake that is attached to a wall. Jump on the cage to allow Richter to jump to the upper ledges. Continue along the upper ledges until reach a breakable tombstone that contains the item that unlocks Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night as a playable game at the main menu.

Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood: Play as Maria
When the minotaur chases Richter in Stage 2, get the Key subweapon from the candlestick. Go down into the sewers after the minotaur gets blocked by the wall. Use the Key subweapon on the locked door at end of the sewer. This will trigger an intermission sequence showing Maria joining Richter. She can now be selected as a playable character at the main menu.

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